Army Transportation Management Coordinator

Army MOS 88N: Career Details

Army Transportation Management Coordinator (MOS 88N) is responsible for scheduling and planning the movement of vehicles, personnel and cargo.

These specialist schedule and select the modes of transportation for operations all over the world.

Transportation Management Coordinators organize, plan and oversee air, rail, highway and water shipments.

Qualifications and Training

To qualify for this position, you must be able to receive a secret clearance.

You must also take the ASVAB test and receive a qualifying score of at least 95 on the Clerical (CL) portion.

Training for this position includes 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training.

Soldiers then attend Advanced Individual Training for 6 weeks.

Skills that are helpful in this MOS:

  • Transportation coordination experience
  • Interest in a job with planning and working with people
  • Motor vehicle, aircraft and ocean liner experience

 Related Article: Army Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic (MOS 91B): Career Details

What are the Job Duties of a Transportation Management Coordinator?

Transportation Management Coordinator (MOS 88N)
Army Transportation Management Coordinator taking notes during a mission briefing. Image:

Soldiers in this MOS must be very organized.

This position includes working closely with other teams and individuals.

Software and Documentation

Transportation Management Coordinators work on various computer programs and inventory systems.

Coordinators will act at system administrates to install software and upload information to computer systems.

They run traffic management computers.

The Coordinator is the primary operator of the Standard Army Management Information System.

Soldiers will complete basic document control functions.

Transportation Management Coordinators ensure cargo and freight shipments are marked, tallied and labeled in accordance with regulatory requirements.

This will be done with automated and manual data processing systems.

The Coordinators post any applicable regulatory requirements.

They also document and inventory all freight, cargo and material shipments of varying types.

Soldiers document when trailers are loaded and unloaded.

They prepare correspondence for shipments and file maintenance correspondence.

They formulate and review documentation on technical traffic management functions and movement programs for logistical support.

It is their responsibility to ensure all movement control documents are accurate.

When the Department of Defense sets up transportation contracts and agreements with host nations, Transportation Management Coordinators will review them.

Any time there is a discrepancy with customs, the Coordinator will monitor, document and report the discrepancy to the correct authorities.

Related Article: Army Automated Logistical Specialist (MOS 92A): Career Details

Planning and Inspecting

Coordinators are responsible for scheduling transportation and ensuring timely transports for missions all over the world.

They will coordinate, monitor, control and supervise movements.

It is their job to determine which mode of transport will most efficiently accomplish the mission requirements.

Soldiers will route highway traffic, manage convoys and verify troop movements.

They perform loss and damage control functions and cargo inspections.

When performing cargo inspections, soldiers are looking to make sure the weight is properly distributed, the cargo matches the label and that the shipments matches contract agreements.

Coordinators work with Military and Department of Defense civilians when selecting a site for possible truck terminals, depots, airfields, ports, beachheads and inland waterway terminals.

The Coordinators serve as liaisons between other Military, commercial agencies and host nations.

The Army video below provides more information on MOS 88N job functions.

What Does a Transportation Management Coordinator Get Paid?

This position is entry-level and soldiers will be paid based on rank and time of service.

Soldiers will start out around $20,000 a year in base pay, until they increase in rank.

This amount does not include special pay, bonuses, allowance or benefits.

The table below provides an overview of Army pay.

InsigniaPay GradeRankAbbreviationMinimum Monthly Pay
E-1 +4 monthsPrivatePVT$1,917.60
E-2Private Second ClassPV2$2,149.20
army e 3 insignia - pfcE-3Private First ClassPFC$2,259.90
army e 4 insignia - specialistE-4SpecialistSPC$2,503.50
army e 4 insignia - corporalE-4CorporalCPL$2,503.50
e-6E-6Staff SergeantSSG$2,980.50
E-7Sergeant First Class SFC$3,445.80
army master sergeant iconE-8Master SergeantMSG$4,957.20
E-8First Sergeant 1SG$4,957.20
E-9Sergeant MajorSGM$6,055.50
E-9Command Sergeant MajorCSM$6,055.50
e 9 sergeant major of the army insigniaE-9Sergeant Major of the ArmySMA$6,055.50


Special pay and bonuses are available for certain positions and scenarios such as fast shipment during recruiting or deploying.

Allowances are available that provide Military clothing annually.

The Army also provides housing and food for those living on base.

Other benefits:

  • Medical and Dental
  • Tuition Assistance
  • Low-cost life insurance
  • Vacation
  • Paid sick time

Job Reviews

Reviews of this position describe it as fast-paced, productive and busy.

Soldiers in this position note that they learned valuable skills towards civilian work and were able to work with people in locations outside of their own.

Positive reviews noted that there was a lot of team building, the work was steady and they were able to travel.

Negative reviews discussed long working days, time away from home and working with sometimes out-of-date equipment.

The review below describes what being a Transportation Management Coordinator is like.

Image: Indeed

The review below provides a typical day as a Coordinator.

Army MOS 88N
Image: Indeed

Related Article: Army Cargo Specialist (MOS 88H): Career Details

Civilian Career Opportunities

Working in this MOS provides soldiers with skills in transportation and logistics.

Soldiers can find civilian careers as Logistics Managers, Production and Planning Clerks, Shipping and Receiving Clerks, Analyst Mangers and Cargo/Freight Agents.

The pay for these positions vary widely depending on in what location/business you work for.

Soldiers can gain certificates while in the Army related to Logistics, Contracts, Dangerous Goods Handling and more, that leads to Army promotions, more civilian career opportunities and increased civilian pay.


Army Transportation Management Coordinator MOS 88N
Army Transportation Management driving a HMMWV. Image:

Army Transportation Management Coordinator (MOS 88N) plans, organizes and oversees the movement of vehicle, personnel and cargo.

They handle movement on air, highway, rail and water.

Soldiers in this MOS must meet secret clearance and will be provided with Army base pay and benefits.

Previous Transportation Management Coordinators stated the work is fast-paced, but enjoyable.

The skills learned in this MOS transfer to civilian careers in transportation and logistics.

Related Article: Army Motor Transport Operator (MOS 88M): Career Details


Transportation Corps 88N

Army MOS 88N Career Details


Rob V.
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