air force jobs list
Air Force

Air Force Jobs List: A List Of All 136 AFSCs In The Air Force (2023)

When enlisting in the Air Force, all new recruits are able to select a job, called Air Force Specialty Codes, or AFSCs.

But first, they have to meet the minimum qualifications for that job, including a minimum score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB.

The ASVAB determines which skills the test-taker has an aptitude for and where in the military they may excel.

Anyone wanting to enter the Air Force must score a minimum of 31 on the ASVAB if they are a high school senior on track to graduate and 50 if they obtained their GED.

The Air Force then looks at a potential recruit’s score in 4 areas of the ASVAB: Mechanical (M), Administrative (A), General (G), and Electronics (E).

These scores are a combination of subtests on the ASVAB, and are calculated as follows:

A = Numerical Operations (NO) + Coding Speed (CS) + Verbal Expression (WK + PC)

G = Verbal Expression (WK + PC) + Arithmetic Reasoning (AR)

E = Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) + Mathematics Knowledge (MK) + Electronics Information (EI) + General Science (GS)

M =  Mechanical Comprehension (MC) + General Science (GS) + 2X Auto & Shop Information (AS)

Each job requires a minimum score in one or more areas.

The Air Force divides AFSCs into 9 areas:

  1. Operations
  2. Logistics
  3. Support
  4. Medical
  5. Professionals, Paralegal and Chaplain Assistant
  6. Contracting and Financial
  7. Special investigations
  8. Special duty identifiers
  9. Reporting identifiers

Each specialty is identified by a 5-digit Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC).

Here is a list of all Air Force AFSCs from the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory, along with the minimum ASVAB score needed to qualify.

Enter Your ASVAB Test Scores To See Air Force Jobs You Qualify For





1. In-Flight Refueling Specialist (1A0X1)

an in flight refueling specialist at work
An in-flight refueling specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform in-flight refueling using a specialized boom on the back of a modified KC-135. They provide fuel to aircraft, allowing them to increase their range and duration of flight.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G55

2. Flight Engineer (1A1X1)

an Flight Engineer at work
A Flight Engineer at work. Image:

What They Do: They visually inspect aircraft and perform any in-flight duties pertaining to aircraft status. This includes monitoring equipment, such as the engines, control panels, indicators, and devices.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G57

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3. Aircraft Loadmaster (1A2X1)

an Aircraft Loadmaster at work
An Aircraft Loadmaster at work. Image:

What They Do: They prepare aircraft during the pre-flight and post-flight periods. They are in charge of loading and briefing cargo and passengers, checking placement, and determining the best placement onboard the aircraft. They also service the aircraft with water, fuel, and hydraulics, if needed.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G57

4. Airborne Mission Systems Specialist (1A3X1)

an Airborne Mission Systems Specialist at work
An Airborne Mission Systems Specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform aircrew duties for specific missions on a variety of aircraft. This includes operating and maintaining onboard communications, sensors, radar, and electronic equipment to manage battle space during missions.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

5. Flight Attendant (1A6X1)

an Flight Attendant at work
An Air Force Flight Attendant at work. Image:

What They Do: They ensure the safety of passengers and perform other cabin duties. The prepare official cabins for top governmental and military leaders and ensure safety equipment is current.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A28

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6. Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst (1A8X1)

an Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst at work
An Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst at work. Image:

What They Do: They operate signals intelligence information systems onboard aircraft and perform related activities on the ground. They use their foreign language skills to analyze message traffic in flight.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G72

7. Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operator (1A8X2)

USAF ISR operators at work. Source: Public Domain

What They Do: They manage and operate all intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance equipment onboard aircraft. They are responsible for using equipment to perform ISR-related tasks.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G72

8. Special Mission Aviator (1A9X1)

Special Missions Aviator at work. Image:

What They Do: They work aboard aircraft for special missions as assigned, such as special operations, combat rescue, personnel recovery, nuclear security, domestic security, fire-fighting, flight test, and distinguished visitor transport.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M60 & G57

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9. Cyber Warfare Operations (1B4X1)

an Cyber Warfare Operations at work
Cyber Warfare Operations specialists at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage all cyber-related operations on base and in deployed locations. This includes offensive and defensive cyberspace operations, command and control of cyberspace forces, and deconfliction of cyber-related assets.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G64

10. Aviation Resource Management (1C0X2)

Aviation Resource Management Specialists at work. Source: Public Domain

What They Do: They manage all aircrew scheduling, manage the USAF standardization and evaluation program for flight personnel, and plan and schedule flight and ground training. They manage aviation flight records, parachutist jump records, and squadron operations.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A45

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11. Air Traffic Controller (1C1X1)

an Air Traffic Controller at work
An Air Traffic Controller at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage and direct aircraft as they enter and exit terminal air traffic using visual, radar, and non-radar tracking.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G55 & M55

12. Combat Controller (1C2X1)

an Combat Control at work
A Combat Controller at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage command, control, communications, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C3ISR) during military operations. This includes air traffic control and targeting, air strikes, and other communications.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M55 & G55

13. Command and Control Operations (1C3X1)

an Command and Control Operations at work
A Command and Control Operations Specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They ensure command operations run smoothly by managing communications and expediting necessary workflow in all scenarios. They work at ground, mobile, and airborne command posts, operations centers, rescue coordination centers, and Combatant Command and Major Command centers.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A55 & G67

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14. Tactical Air Control Party (1C4X1)

an Tactical Air Control Party at work
Tactical Air Control Party at work. Image:

What They Do: They find, fix, track, target, and engage enemy forces near friendly forces. They plan, coordinate, direct, and evaluate air strike missions from the ground.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G49

15. Command and Control Battle Management Operations (1C5X1)

an Command and Control Battle Management Operations at work
A Command and Control Battle Management Operations at work. Image:

What They Do: They monitor the global airspace via radar and electronics systems, providing up-to-the-minute data. They utilize command and control battle management systems and coordinate a variety of missions, such as personnel recovery and search and rescue.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G55

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16. Space Systems Operations (1C6X1)

an Space Systems Operations at work
Space Systems Operations Specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage and perform space control, space force enhancement, and space force support missions. Part of the job includes monitoring launched missiles and satellites, as well as assisting in rocket launches and space flight missions.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

17. Airfield Management (1C7X1)

an Airfield Management at work
An Airfield Management at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage operations at airfields, including coordinating with civil engineering, air traffic control, and other entities on base to maintain safe aircraft operations and conditions.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G50 & M40

18. Radar, Airfield & Weather Systems (1C8X3)

an Radar, Airfield & Weather Systems at work
An Radar, Airfield & Weather Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They ensure that all airfield safety equipment is working perfectly. This includes radar systems, weather equipment, radios, and navigational aids. They install and maintain equipment on the ground used by air traffic control to ensure aircraft safety.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

19. Operations Intelligence (1N0X1)

an All Source Intelligence Analyst at work
Intelligence Operations specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They discover, develop, evaluate, and provide intelligence information. They analyze raw data to screen for usable intelligence.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A64

20. Geospatial Intelligence (1N1X1)

an Geospatial Intelligence at work
Geospatial Intelligence specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze imagery from satellites as well as drones and other sources to identify threats. They screen and disseminate multi-sensor geospatial intelligence to support military missions.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G66

21. Signals Intelligence Analyst (1N2X1)

an Signals Intelligence Analyst at work
Signals Intelligence Analyst at work. Image:

What They Do: They acquire, process, identify, analyze, and report on foreign electromagnetic intelligence emissions. This includes operating electronic intelligence equipment and computer systems and reporting on unusual activity.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G72

22. Cryptologic Language Analyst (1N3X1)

An Air Force Cryptologic Language Analyst at work. Image:

What They Do: They use foreign language skills to collect, transcribe, translate, analyze, and report intelligence. 

Minimum ASVAB Score: G72

23. Fusion Analyst (1N4X1)

an Fusion Analyst at work
Fusion Analyst at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform intelligence analysis across all domains. This includes analyzing and exploiting information to develop targets and provide overall situational awareness for military personnel and leadership.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G62

24. Human Intelligence Specialist (1N7X1)

An Air Force Human Intelligence Specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They collect and report intelligence gathered from human sources. They also screen documents and open-source information to find potential leads.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G72

25. Targeting Analyst (1N8X1)

an Targeting Analyst at work
A Targeting Analyst at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform targeting intelligence missions, including analyzing targets. They also develop targeting solutions to plan and execute an operation.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G49

26. Aircrew Flight Equipment (1P0X1)

an Aircrew Flight Equipment at work
An Aircrew Flight Equipment at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform inspections, maintenance, and adjustments of all aircrew flight equipment, aircrew chemical defense equipment, and other supplies. They are also responsible for all protective clothing, flotation equipment, emergency evacuation systems, and parachutes.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M40

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27. Safety (1S0X1)

an Safety at work
Safety specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage and operate all safety programs, including planning and directing safety-related activities, analyzing mishaps, and assessing risk.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G49

28. Survival Evasion, Resist & Escape (SERE) – (1T0X1)

an Survival Evasion, Resist & Escape at work
A Survival Evasion, Resist & Escape Specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They develop and conduct the SERE programs, including initial training and refresher training. They also assist with personnel recovery operations.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G55

29. Pararescue – PJ’s (1T2X1)

an Pararescue at work
Pararescue at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform, lead, instruct, and evaluate pararescue missions. They work as part of personnel recovery, including in a rapid response capacity. They also provide emergency trauma and field medical care.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

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30. Remotely Piloted Aircraft Sensor Operator (1U0X1)

an Sensor Operator at work
Sensor Operator at work. Image:

What They Do: They act as a mission crew member during unmanned or manned aircraft operations. They use onboard sensors to acquire, track, and monitor objects that are in the air, on the ground, or at sea.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G64 or E54

an Weather (1W0X1) at work
Weather (1W0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They collect, analyze, and forecast atmospheric and space environmental conditions to ensure informed decision-making and use of military assets.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G66 & E50

32. Special Operations Weather (1W0X2)

an Special Operations Weather (1W0X2) at work
Special Operations Weather (1W0X2) at work. Image:

What They Do: They collect, analyze, and forecast atmospheric and space environmental conditions in support of special operations missions. They may operate as part of a team or alone, often in challenging conditions.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G66 & E50

33. Avionics Test Stations & Component (2A0X1)

an Avionics Test Stations & Component at work
An Avionics Test Stations & Component specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They operate avionics test stations, including inspecting, maintaining, programming, and calibrating all avionics test equipment, support equipment, and aircraft avionics equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

34. SOF/PR Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems (2A2X1)

an SOF/PR Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems at work
An SOF/PR Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze, inspect, remove (if needed), maintain, and install communication, navigation, and mission systems on special operations and personnel recovery aircraft.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

35. SOF/PR Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems (2A2X2)

an SOF/PR Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems at work
An SOF/PR Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze, inspect, remove (if needed), maintain, and install instrument and flight control systems on special operations and personnel recovery aircraft.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

36. SOF/PR Integrated Electronic Warfare Systems (2A2X3)

an SOF/PR Integrated Electronic Warfare Systems at work
SOF/PR Integrated Electronic Warfare Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze, inspect, remove (if needed), maintain, and install electronic warfare systems on special operations and personnel recovery aircraft.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

37. Tactical Aircraft Maintenance (2A3X3)

an Tactical Aircraft Maintenance at work
Tactical Aircraft Maintenance at work. Image:

What They Do: They maintain all tactical aircraft, including the support equipment, forms, and records.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

38. Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics (2A3X4)

an Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics at work
A Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics at work. Image:

What They Do: They repair and inspect integrated avionics systems onboard the A-10/U-2, F-15, and F-16/CV-22 aircraft. They troubleshoot, inspect, remove (if needed), install, repair, modify, and operate all avionics systems on these aircraft and their support equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

39. Advanced Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics (2A3X5)

An Air Force Advanced Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They repair and inspect integrated avionics systems onboard the F-22, F-35, and MQ-1/MQ-9/RQ-4 aircraft. They troubleshoot, inspect, remove (if needed), install, repair, modify, and operate all avionics systems on these aircraft and their support equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

40. Fighter/Remotely Piloted Aircraft Maintenance (2A3X8)
A Fighter/Remotely Piloted Aircraft Maintenance Specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They are responsible for the maintenance of fighter/remotely piloted aircraft, including planning, inspecting, and repairing/servicing all related equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

41. Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance (2A5X1)

An Airlift / Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They maintain special mission aircraft, including all support equipment, forms, and records.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

42. Helicopter/Tiltrotor Aircraft Maintenance (2A5X2)

A Helicopter / Tiltrotor Aircraft Maintenance specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They maintain helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft, including all support equipment, forms, and records.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M56

43. Mobility Air Forces Electronic Warfare Systems (2A5X3)

Source: Public Domain

What They Do: These electronics specialists inspect, remove, and install integrated avionics systems in USAF aircraft. These include electronic warfare systems, flight instruments, and video displays.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

44. Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance (2A5X4)

an Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance at work
Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance at work. Image:

What They Do: They maintain refuel/bomber aircraft, including all support equipment, forms, and records.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

an Aerospace Propulsion at work
Aerospace Propulsion at work. Image:

What They Do: They inspect, maintain, modify, test, and repair propellers, turboprop and turboshaft engines, jet engines, small gas turbine engines, and related ground support equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M56

46. Aerospace Ground Equipment (2A6X2)

an Aerospace Ground Equipment at work
An Aerospace Ground Equipment at work. Image:

What They Do: They maintain all aerospace ground equipment to support aircraft systems. This includes maintenance, inspecting, and testing equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47 & E28

47. Aircrew Egress Systems (2A6X3)

an Aircrew Egress Systems at work
An Aircrew Egress Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They maintain all egress systems onboard aircraft, including ejection seats, canopies and hatches, explosive components, subsystems, and related support equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M56

48. Aircraft Fuel Systems (2A6X4)

An Air Force aircraft fuel systems specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They remove, repair, inspect, install, and modify aircraft fuel systems. This includes the integral fuel tanks, bladder cells, and any external tanks. They are also responsible for the hardware and equipment that supports the fuel systems.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

49. Aircraft Hydraulic Systems (2A6X5)

an Aircraft Hydraulic Systems at work
An Aircraft Hydraulic Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They troubleshoot, remove, repair, overhaul, inspect, adjust, install, and test aircraft hydraulic and in-flight refueling systems.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M56

50. Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems (2A6X6)

an Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems at work
An Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They troubleshoot, inspect, remove, install, repair, modify, overhaul, and operate electrical and environmental (E&E) onboard systems and related equipment. E&E equipment includes DC and AC current, gas turbine compressors, landing gear, anti-skid, nose wheel steering, and cabin pressurization.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E61 & M41

51. Aircraft Metals Technology (2A7X1)

an Aircraft Metals Technology at work
An Aircraft Metals Technology at work. Image:

What They Do: They design, weld, heat treat, fabricate, and machine tools, components, and assemblies for aircraft weapon systems.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

52. Nondestructive Inspection (2A7X2)

an Nondestructive Inspection at work
Nondestructive Inspection at work. Image:

What They Do: They inspect aerospace weapons systems and support equipment to make sure that they are structurally sound using nondestructive methods. They also perform fluid analysis.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M42

53. Aircraft Structural Maintenance (2A7X3)

an Aircraft Structural Maintenance at work
An Aircraft Structural Maintenance at work. Image:

What They Do: They design, repair, modify, and fabricate metal, plastic, composite, advanced composite, and other structural parts for aircraft. They are also responsible for preservative treatments for aircraft, missiles, and other equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

54. Low Observable Aircraft Maintenance (2A7X5)

an Low Observable Aircraft Maintenance at work
Low Observable Aircraft Maintenance at work. Image:

What They Do: They evaluate, install, remove, and repair low observable coatings on aircraft to maintain structural integrity.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

55. Mobility Air Forces Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems (2A8X1)

an Mobility Air Forces Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems at work
Mobility Air Forces Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze malfunctions, inspect, remove, maintain, and install integrated communication, navigation, and mission systems on aircraft.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

56. Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems (2A8X2)

an Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems at work
Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze malfunctions, inspect, remove, maintain, and install integrated instrument and flight control systems on aircraft.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

57. Bomber/Special Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems (2A9X1)

An Air Force 2A9X1 at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze malfunctions, inspect, remove, maintain, and install integrated communication, navigation, and mission systems on bomber and special aircraft.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

58. Bomber/Special Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems (2A9X2)

an Bomber/Special Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems at work
Bomber/Special Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze malfunctions, inspect, remove, maintain, and install integrated instrument and flight control systems on bomber and special aircraft.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

59. Bomber/Special Electronic Warfare and Radar Surveillance Integrated Avionics (2A9X3)

bomber - special electronic warfare and radar surveillance integrated avionics
2A9X3s at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze malfunctions, inspect, remove, maintain, and install radar surveillance integrated avionics systems on bomber and special aircraft.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

60. Fuels (2F0X1)

An Air Force fuels specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They operate fuels and cryogenic facilities and equipment. This includes being responsible for the inventory and transfer of petroleum, cryogenics, and alternative fuels. They also perform quality checks on these fuels.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47 & G38

61. Logistics Plans (2G0X1)

an Logistics Plans at work
Logistics Plans at work. Image:

What They Do: They develop, evaluate, monitor, and supervise logistics plans and programs. This includes war readiness materiel, deployments, and support plans.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A56

62. Missile & Space Systems Electronic Maintenance (2M0X1)

an Missile & Space Systems Electronic Maintenance at work
Missile & Space Systems Electronic Maintenance at work. Image:

What They Do: They maintain and operate ground and air missiles, spacelift boosters, payloads, guidance and control systems, and related equipment. This includes automated and manual electronic tests, launch control, checkout, and support equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

63. Missile & Space Systems Maintenance (2M0X2)

an Missile & Space Systems Maintenance at work
Missile & Space Systems Maintenance at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage the maintenance, processing, acquisition, and operation of ground and air launched missiles. They also do the same for aircraft missile rotary launchers, spacelift boosters, payloads, and all related equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

64. Missile & Space Facilities (2M0X3)

an Missile & Space Facilities at work
Missile & Space Facilities at work. Image:

What They Do: They maintain, operate, service, and repair power and distribution systems, environmental control, and related systems for missile and spacelift facilities. This includes facilities used for research and development.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

65. Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (2P0X1)

Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory
Air Force PMEL technician performing an audio calibration. Image: wikimedia

What They Do: They repair, calibrate, and modify all test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment, including precision measurement equipment laboratory standards and automatic test equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

66. Maintenance Management Analysis (2R0X1)

an Maintenance Management Analysis at work
Maintenance Management Analysis at work. Image:

What They Do: They collect and analyze data for reports and briefings. They particularly look at investigations and statistical/trend analysis. They are also responsible for managing and operating the maintenance management information system.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G55

67. Maintenance Management Production (2R1X1)

an Maintenance Management Production at work
Maintenance Management Production at work. Image:

What They Do: They plan and schedule the use and maintenance of aerospace vehicles, engines, munitions, missiles, space systems, aerospace ground equipment, and associated systems.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G55

68. Materiel Management (2S0X1)

an Materiel Management (2S0X1) at work
Materiel Management (2S0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They develop, operate, implement, and analyze manual and automated logistics systems. They work to manage item and monetary accounting, inventory control, financial planning, and warehouse functions.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44 or A41

69. Traffic Management (2T0X1)

an Traffic Management at work
Traffic Management at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform all traffic-related activities, including using military and commercial transport to move personnel, materiel, and property.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A35

70. Ground Transportation (2T1X1)

an Ground Transportation at work
Ground Transportation at work. Image:

What They Do: They provide ground transportation capabilities for both personnel and cargo. They plan and direct ground transportation, to include light and heavy-duty vehicles such as buses, trucks with semi-trailers, forklifts, and wrecker/recovery vehicles.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M40

71. Air Transportation (2T2X1)

an Air Transportation at work
Air Transportation at work. Image:

What They Do: They plan, schedule, and process air travel passengers and cargo. This includes loading and unloading passengers, baggage, and cargo from military and commercial-contract aircraft. They also maintain all records and perform aircraft cleaning and meal/supplies delivery.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47 & A28

72. Mission Generation Vehicular Equipment Maintenance (2T3X1)

an Mission Generation Vehicular Equipment Maintenance at work
Mission Generation Vehicular Equipment Maintenance at work. Image:

What They Do: They supervise and perform all vehicle maintenance on military and commercial design vehicular equipment. This includes aircraft and equipment towing vehicles, fire fighting vehicles, and material handling equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

73. Fleet Management and Analysis (2T3X7)

an Fleet Management and Analysis at work
Fleet Management and Analysis at work. Image:

What They Do: They schedule and analyze maintenance performed on vehicles and equipment. They maintain all vehicle data collection systems.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A41

74. Munitions System (2W0X1)

an Munitions System (2W0X1) at work
Munitions System (2W0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They are responsible for the safety, security, and accountability of all non-nuclear munitions. They manage production, identify requirements, operate the automated data processing equipment, inspect and test nonnuclear munitions, and routinely demilitarize nonhazardous munitions.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M60 or G57

75. Aircraft Armament Systems (2W1X1)

an Aircraft Armament Systems at work
Aircraft Armament Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They load and unload nuclear and nonnuclear munitions, explosives, and propellant devices on aircraft. They also install and maintain aircraft bombs, rockets, and missile release equipment, guns and gun mounts, and related equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M60 or E45

76. Nuclear Weapons (2W2X1)

an Nuclear Weapons at work
Nuclear Weapons at work. Image:

What They Do: They inspect, maintain, store, handle, modify, repair, and account for nuclear weapons, their components, associated equipment, and related test and handling equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M60

77. Knowledge Operations Management (3D0X1)

an Knowledge Operations Management at work
Knowledge Operations Management at work. Image:

What They Do: They develop and monitor processes, technologies, and practices to identify, capture, organize, and employ information. This includes raw data, documents, practices, policies, and the expertise of individuals.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G64

an Cyber Systems Operations (3D0X2) at work
Cyber Systems Operations (3D0X2) at work. Image:

What They Do: They install, support, and maintain servers operating systems and other computer systems, as well as the software needed for each system. They respond to outages, make sure defensive mechanisms are in place, and act as administrators for the system.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G64

79. Cyber Security (3D0X3)

an Cyber Surety (3D0X3) at work
Cyber Security (3D0X3) at work. Image:

What They Do: They are responsible for risk management determinations of fixed, deployed, and mobile information systems and telecommunications resources. Their work protects clients, networks, data/voice systems, and databases from unauthorized activity.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G64

80. Computer Systems Programming (3D0X4)

an Computer Systems Programming at work
Computer Systems Programming at work. Image:

What They Do: They act as computer analysts, coders, testers, and managers in the design, development, maintenance, testing, configuration management, and documentation of software systems and computer database systems.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G64

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81. Client Systems (3D1X1)

an Client Systems (3D1X1) at work
Client Systems (3D1X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They are responsible for standard voice, data, video networks, and cryptographic client devices. This includes deploying, sustaining, troubleshooting, and repairing all devices.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E60

82. Cyber Transport Systems (3D1X2)

an Cyber Transport Systems (3D1X2) at work
Cyber Transport Systems (3D1X2) at work. Image:

What They Do: They are responsible for standard voice, data, video network, and cryptographic infrastructure systems. This includes deploying, sustaining, troubleshooting, and repairing these systems.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

83. RF Transmission Systems (3D1X3)

An RF Transmission Systems specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They deploy, sustain, troubleshoot, and repair standard radio frequency wireless, line-of-sight, beyond line-of-sight, wideband, and ground-based satellites and encryption transmission devices.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70

84. Spectrum Operations (3D1X4)

an Spectrum Operations at work
Spectrum Operations at work. Image:

What They Do: They analyze requirements and requests for frequencies to support terrestrial, aircraft, and space systems. They also coordinate radio, radar, land, and other electromagnetic radiating or receiving requirements.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E60

85. Cable and Antenna Systems (3D1X7)

an Cable and Antenna Systems at work
Cable and Antenna Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They provide command and control capabilities through installation, maintenance, fault isolation, and reconstruction of distribution systems, local area networks, and wide area networks.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E55 or M55

86. Electrical Systems (3E0X1)

an Electrical Systems at work
Electrical Systems at work. Image:

What They Do: They install, inspect, maintain, troubleshoot, repair, and modify electrical distribution systems and related components above and below 600 V, airfield lighting systems, and fire alarms.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E35 & M35

87. Electrical Power Production (3E0X2)

an Electrical Power Production at work
Electrical Power Production at work. Image:

What They Do: They install, remove, operate, maintain, and repair electrical power generating and control systems, aircraft arresting systems, and all associated equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M56 & E40

88. Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration (3E1X1)

an Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration at work
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration at work. Image:

What They Do: They install, operate, maintain, and repair HVAC/R systems, combustion equipment, and industrial air compressors.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47 or E28

89. Pavements and Construction Equipment (3E2X1)

an Pavements and Construction Equipment at work
Pavements and Construction Equipment at work. Image:

What They Do: They construct and maintain concrete and asphalt runways, aircraft parking aprons, and roads. They also operate heavy construction equipment, such as loaders, graders, dozers, backhoes, and dump trucks, and maintain this equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M40

90. Structural (3E3X1)

an Structural at work
A Structural specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage, construct, repair, and modify structural systems and wooden, masonry, metal, and concrete buildings. They also fabricate and repair components of these buildings.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47

91. Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance (3E4X1)

an Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance at work
Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance at work. Image:

What They Do: They install, inspect, maintain, troubleshoot, modify, repair, and manage plumbing, water distribution, wastewater collection systems, water and wastewater treatment systems, fire suppression, backflow prevention systems, natural gas distribution systems, liquid fuel storage, distribution, and dispensing systems.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47 & E28

92. Pest Management (3E4X3)

an Pest Management (3E4X3) at work
Pest Management (3E4X3) at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage, evaluate, and execute pest management techniques and environmental compliance.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G38

93. Engineering (3E5X1)

an Engineering (3E5X1) at work
Engineering (3E5X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They direct and perform civil engineering design, drafting, surveying, and contract surveillance to support facility construction and maintenance. They work with Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings, Building Information Modeling, construction contract specifications, and cost estimates.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G49

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94. Operations Management (3E6X1)

an Operations Management (3E6X1) at work
Operations Management (3E6X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They activate and manage the Civil Engineering command and control centers during peacetime, wartime, and contingency operations. This includes processing and controlling work requirements and managing acquisitions for work performed by CE forces.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

95. Fire Protection (3E7X1)

an Fire Protection (3E7X1) at work
Fire Protection (3E7X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They protect people, property, and the environment from fire and disasters. This includes fire prevention, fire fighting, rescue, and hazardous material response.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G38

96. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) – 3E8X1

an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) - 3E8X1 at work
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) – 3E8X1 at work. Image:

What They Do: They dispose of explosive ordnance to protect personnel, resources, and the environment from hazardous explosive ordnance, improvised explosive devices, and weapons of mass destruction. They use specialized tools, techniques, and personal protective equipment to diagnose, monitor, evaluate, interrogate, mitigate, render safe, recover, and dispose of these devices.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M47 & G50

97. Emergency Management (3E9X1)

an Emergency Management (3E9X1) at work
Emergency Management (3E9X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They administer major command and installation emergency management programs. This includes preparing, planning, training, educating, and equipping personnel and installation leaders. Emergency situations include major accidents, natural disasters, weapons of mass destruction, and wartime chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosive attacks.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G62

98. Personnel (3F0X1)

Personnel Air Force
Personnel specialist assisting with common access card creation. Image:

What They Do: They manage, supervise, and lead military personnel and human resource programs. They also analyze policy and provide recommendations to Air Force leadership on benefits, entitlements, career progression, retention, and relocation programs.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A41

99. Services (3F1X1)

services air force

What They Do: They manage and direct Force Support programs, operations, and retail operations, such as appropriated fund food service, lodging, recreation, fitness and sports programs, laundry, mortuary affairs, honor guard, protocol, missile alert facilities, and other readiness programs.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G24

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100. Education and Training (3F2X1)

an Education and Training (3F2X1) at work
An Education and Training (3F2X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They conduct education and training tasks for maintenance, operations, and support training. They also administer all education services, curriculum development, and instructor activities.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G59

101. Manpower (3F3X1)

an Manpower (3F3X1) at work
Manpower (3F3X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They are responsible for organization structure, requirements determination, program allocation and control, and performance management.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G66

102. Equal Opportunity (3F4X1)

an Equal Opportunity (3F4X1) at work
Equal Opportunity (3F4X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform, supervise, and manage all equal opportunity and human relations education programs.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A41 or G44

103. Administration (3F5X1)

air force admin

What They Do: They provide administrative support by coordinating, performing, and managing tasks such as office management, human resources, executive staff support, postal, official mail, and other duties.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A47

104. Air National Guard Strength Management (3G0X1) 

an Air National Guard Strength Management (3G0X1) at work
An Air National Guard Strength Management (3G0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They organize and conduct programs to recruit and retain Air National Guard personnel.

Minimum ASVAB Score: N/A

105. Historian (3H0X1)

An Air Force Historian at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform and manage historical activities, programs, and functions. They also conduct historical research and reference services, interview personnel, and prepare analytical historical publications.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G72


106. Broadcast Journalist (3N0X2)

an Broadcast Journalist (3N0X2) at work
Broadcast Journalist (3N0X2) at work. Image:

What They Do: They plan, organize, coordinate, and conduct command information, community engagement, and media operations activities. This includes preparing material for internal and external audiences and conducting broadcast and production operations.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G72

107. Photojournalist (3N0X5)

an Photojournalist (3N0X5) at work
Photojournalist (3N0X5) at work. Image:

What They Do: They engage in digital and print photojournalism, including photography, writing, editing, and managing content for base websites and other social media platforms, periodicals, guides, pamphlets, and fact sheets.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G72

108. Regional Band (3N1X1)

an Regional Band (3N1X1) at work
Regional Band (3N1X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform as an instrumentalist, music arranger, vocalist, or audio and lighting engineer in military band activities.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G24 or A21

109. Premier Band (3N2X1)

an Premier Band (3N2X1) at work
Premier Band (3N2X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform as an instrumentalist, music arranger, vocalist, librarian, or audio and lighting engineers in the official USAF Band. This is only open to those at the Craftsman or Superintendent level.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G24 or A21

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110. Security Forces (3P0X1)

an Security Forces (3P0X1) at work
Security Forces (3P0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform security force activities in support of 2/3 of the U.S. Nuclear Enterprise, weapon systems and physical security, law and order, military working dogs, combat arms, and area security operations.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G33

111. Health Services Management (4A0X1)

an Health Services Management (4A0X1) at work
Health Services Management (4A0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They plan, develop, manage, and perform health services activities, such as patient management, health records, special orders, and resource management.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

112. Medical Material (4A1X1)

an Medical Material (4A1X1) at work
Medical Material (4A1X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They prepare and maintain the manual and mechanized accountable medical materiel records, as well as requisition, receive, store, issue, safeguard, and account for supplies and equipment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

113. Biomedical Equipment (4A2X1)

an Biomedical Equipment (4A2X1) at work
Biomedical Equipment (4A2X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They install, inspect, repair, and modify biomedical equipment and support systems. This includes pre-purchase evaluations and implementing maintenance support for all devices used within a medical treatment facility.

Minimum ASVAB Score: E70 & M60

114. Bioenvironmental Engineering (4B0X1)

an Bioenvironmental Engineering (4B0X1) at work
Bioenvironmental Engineering (4B0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage occupational and environmental health-related activities, such as anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling exposure to chemical, biological, and radiological hazards. They also perform health risk assessments by monitoring and sampling to identify any hazards.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G49

115. Mental Health Service (4C0X1)

an Mental Health Service at work
Mental Health Service at work. Image:

What They Do: They support mental health services in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, social work, family advocacy, substance abuse prevention, treatment and aftercare, integrated operational support, and other programs.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G55

116. Diet Therapy (4D0X1)

an Diet Therapy (4D0X1) at work
Diet Therapy (4D0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They work in nutritional medicine, including procuring, storing, preparing, cooking, baking, and serving regular and therapeutic diets.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

117. Public Health (4E0X1)

An Public Health (4E0X1) at work
Public Health (4E0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They work with community health management and force health management. Within community health management, they perform tasks such as communicable disease control and prevention, food safety and defense, facility sanitation, and public health contingency response. Within force health management, they are responsible for the medical deployment clearance processing, preventative health assessments, and individual medical readiness administration.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

118. Cardiopulmonary Laboratory (4H0X1)

An Cardiopulminary Laboratory (4H0X1) at work
Cardiopulmonary Laboratory (4H0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They work with respiratory care services, noninvasive diagnostic cardiac procedures, invasive diagnostic and interventional cardiac procedures, pulmonary function testing, and diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopies.

Score: G44

119. Physical Medicine (4J0X2 & 4J0X2A)

An Physical Medicine (4J0X2 & 4J0X2A) at work
Physical Medicine (4J0X2 & 4J0X2A) at work. Image:

What They Do: They administer patient care activities as part of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and orthotic services, including implementing treatment plans.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G49

120. Aerospace and Operational Physiology (4M0X1)

An Air Force Aerospace and Operational Physiology specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They operate and maintain all aerospace physiology training devices, such as altitude chambers and related equipment. They also instruct and observe simulated flights and classroom instruction.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

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121. Aerospace Medical Services (4N0X1)

An Aerospace Medical Services (4N0X1) at work
Aerospace Medical Services (4N0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform routine patient care of beneficiaries, including flying and special operational duty personnel. They work in patient care situations, including contingency operations and disasters.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G50

123. Surgical Services (4N1X1)

An Surgical Services (4N1X1) at work
Surgical Services (4N1X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They work in surgical patient care activities and training. They assist in providing care for patients before, during, and after surgery. They also perform scrub and circulating duties in the operating room.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

124. Pharmacy (4P0X1)

An Pharmacy (4P0X1) at work
Pharmacy (4P0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage administrative and technical pharmacy activities, including requisitions, stocks, compounds, and dispensing pharmaceuticals.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

125. Diagnostic Imaging (4R0X1)

An Diagnostic Imaging (4R0X1) at work
Diagnostic Imaging (4R0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They operate equipment to produce diagnostic images, such as x-rays and ultrasounds, and assist radiologists/physicians with special procedures.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

126. Medical Laboratory (4T0X1)

An Medical Laboratory (4T0X1) at work
Medical Laboratory (4T0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They test and analyze specimens of human origin to help in diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease or as part of medical research.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G62

127. Histopathology (4T0X2)

An Air Force Histopathology specialist at work. Image:

What They Do: They work as part of autopsies by preparing autopsy and surgical specimens.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

128. Optometry (4V0X1)

An Air Force Optometrist at work. Image:

What They Do: They perform visual screening tests and assist in patient treatment. They also process all prescriptions for military eye-wear.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G55

129. Dental Assistant (4Y0X1 & 4Y0X1H)

An Dental Assistant (4Y0X1 & 4Y0X1H) at work
Dental Assistant (4Y0X1 & 4Y0X1H) at work. Image:

What They Do: They work as a paraprofessional performing oral hygiene duty, such as receiving patients, reviewing records, and preparing patients for treatment.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

130. Dental Lab (4Y0X2)

An Dental Lab (4Y0X2) at work
Dental Lab (4Y0X2) at work. Image:

What They Do: They fabricate and repair dental and maxillofacial prostheses and appliances.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G66

131. Paralegal (5J0X1)

An Paralegal (5J0X1) at work
A Paralegal (5J0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They manage and perform legal functions under the supervision of an attorney, such as legal research, writing, analysis, interviewing, and discovery management.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G51

132. Religious Affairs (5R0X1)

Chaplain Air Force
A chaplain (5R0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They facilitate the free exercise of religion, advise leaders on religious accommodation, work in crisis intervention, and manage religious programs and religious ministries.

Minimum ASVAB Score: A35 or G44.

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133. Contracting (6C0X1)

Air Force Contracting
Air Force Contracting specialists (6C0X1) review a training plan. Image:

What They Do: They administer contracting functions for commodities, services, and construction using acquisition procedures, negotiation, and other methods. They also prepare, process, and analyze transactions and products.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G72

134. Financial Management and Comptroller (6F0X1)

an Financial Management and Comptroller at work
An Financial Management and Comptroller at work. Image:

What They Do: They provide financial decision support, services, and resources. They maintain financial records for pay, travel transactions, and accounting records.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G57

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An Special Investigations (7S0X1) at work
Special Investigations (7S0X1) at work. Image:

What They Do: They conduct criminal, economic crime, counterintelligence, force protection, personnel suitability, computer crime, technical services investigations, counter threat operations, and special inquiries.

Minimum ASVAB Score: G44

136. Scientific Applications Specialist (9S100)


What They Do: These specialists use their skills in chemistry, math, data analysis, physics, and engineering to perform research and evaluate specialized data to develop unique assets for the USAF.

Minimum ASVAB Score: M88 & E85

Frequently Asked Questions

How many jobs are there in the Air Force?

As of 2023, there are currently over 200 AFSCs available to both officers and enlisted.

Does the Air Force have MOS?

The Air Force does not call their jobs ‘MOS’. Rather, they are referred to as Air Force Specialty Codes, or AFSCs.

Can you pick your job in the Air Force?

You do have some say in the AFSC you choose when enlisting. However, just like with the other branches, obtaining that job will depend on the needs of the Air Force and various other factors.

What Air Force jobs travel the most?

While most jobs will allow you some travel, by far any flight career will afford you the most travel. Those jobs include crew chief, flight engineer, pilot, and boom operator, to name just a few.

What is the best job in the Air Force?

Careers such as Paralegal, Logistics Planner, Law Enforcement, and Air Traffic Controller provide some of the most rewarding career opportunities upon completion of your service in the Air Force.

Check out some of the jobs in other branches below:

Coast Guard Jobs List

Army MOS List

Navy Jobs List

Marine MOS List


Craig S.
Air Force Jobs List

Air Force Jobs List

4.8 out of 5 (162 Ratings)

See a list of all 135 jobs in the US Air Force, including details on each AFSC, as well as the required minimum ASVAB score needed.

Originally posted on March 20, 2022 @ 8:11 am

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3 Replies to “Air Force Jobs List: A List Of All 136 AFSCs In The Air Force (2023)

  1. Swimsuit ads, while nice to look at, have no place on this site of descriptions of military jobs. The Air Force, like all branches of the military, are apolitical, meaning they have no political agendas. We are not allowed to express our political views, therefore, political ads, like the ones from Amy Mc Graff also have no place on this site. I have marked all these ads on this site as “inappropriate.” THEY DO NOT BELONG HERE.

    1. Hey Robert,
      I have no control over what types of ads are shown on this site. It’s all controlled by the company that hosts them (Mediavine), and Googles ad platform. With that said, marking them as ‘inappropriate’ is about the best thing you can do for this. Hope this helps, take care.

      Rob V. Founder

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