Army Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist

Army MOS 89A: Career Details

Army Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist (MOS 89A) is responsible for performing stock control and accounting procedures for ammunition, explosives and associated explosive components.

These specialist operate the Standard Ammunition and Accounting System-Modernized computer software to complete their job.

They also use manual record keeping to perform their job duties.

Qualifications and Training

To enter into this MOS, soldiers must receive a minimum score of 91 on the Skilled Technical (ST) portion of the ASVAB test.

After all entry testing, recruits will attend Basic Combat Training for 10 weeks.

Upon successful completion of Basic Training, soldiers will attend 8 weeks of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Lee, Virginia.

This training is a combination of classroom and field training.

Skills that are helpful in this MOS include:

  • Effective communication
  • Organization
  • Ability to work under stress
  • Interest in a job in algebra, chemistry, trigonometry, geometry and physics

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What are the Job Duties of an MOS 89A?

Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist
Soldiers firing cannon ammunition. Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist ensure soldiers have the ammunition they need to fire their weapons. Image:

Army Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist must be skilled in the Standard Army Ammunition Modernized-System (SAAS).

The work that they perform in this system must be very detail oriented and organized to ensure the correct ammunition inventory levels.

These specialist are in charge of ensuring soldiers in the battlefield or in any location, have the ordnance they need to be successful.

They will create reports and input data.

Soldiers in this MOS will use a data browser to perform automated ammunition transactions.

These transactions include issue, shipment, receipt, turn-in and maintenance transfer.

Part of their job duties includes uploading or downloading automated data processing equipment.

It is helpful if soldiers in this MOS are comfortable working with computer systems, as a large portion of their job involves working with various computer programs.

Sometimes specialist will create radio frequency identification system tags.

This includes operating the Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) to transmit information between SAAS and the Total Ammunition Management Information System (TAMIS).

These specialist not only bring the ammunition to the battlefield, they are the ones who are accountable for the ammunition.

They ensure the ammunition is going where it should and being used by the correct people.

Specialist ensure the ammunition is properly issued, tracked and recovered.

They will maintain an ammunition supply point and transfer ordnance from that supply point to the unit.

The specialist will account for the ordnance that being used and what is in their supply point, to ensure the soldiers have what they need.

Soldiers in this Army MOS not only work with ammunition, they work with explosives and associated explosive components.

Soldiers perform individual warrior tasks and collective warrior battle drills.

The Army Recruiting video below provides more information on Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist training and job functions.

What Does an Army Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist get Paid?

Army Ammunition Stock Control and Account Specialist get paid based on rank and time of service.

This is an entry-level position and with no prior Military experience, recruits can expect to make around $20,000 a year.

The base pay above will fluctuate during training and does not include Army benefits.

Follow the table below for Army base pay.

InsigniaPay GradeRankAbbreviationMinimum Monthly Pay
E-1 +4 monthsPrivatePVT$1,917.60
E-2Private Second ClassPV2$2,149.20
army e 3 insignia - pfcE-3Private First ClassPFC$2,259.90
army e 4 insignia - specialistE-4SpecialistSPC$2,503.50
army e 4 insignia - corporalE-4CorporalCPL$2,503.50
e-6E-6Staff SergeantSSG$2,980.50
E-7Sergeant First Class SFC$3,445.80
army master sergeant iconE-8Master SergeantMSG$4,957.20
E-8First Sergeant 1SG$4,957.20
E-9Sergeant MajorSGM$6,055.50
E-9Command Sergeant MajorCSM$6,055.50
e 9 sergeant major of the army insigniaE-9Sergeant Major of the ArmySMA$6,055.50


The Army provides many benefits that add to the base pay mentioned above.

They also offer recruiting bonuses and special pay scenarios.

Benefits include:

  • Paid housing and food
  • Medical and Dental
  • Paid sick time and vacation
  • Low-cost life insurance
  • Tuition Assistance

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Job Reviews

Most available reviews rate the position 4/5.

Positive reviews discuss the camaraderie, benefits and travel.

Negative reviews discuss the long hours and time away from family.

This position can include late nights and can deploy at any time.

Overall, most individuals stated that they would recommend the position to others and that the Army is what you make of it.

The reviews below provide more positive and negative aspects of the position.

Image: Indeed
Army MOS 89A
Image: Indeed

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Civilian Career Opportunities

Although there is not a civilian position that directly matches to this position, the skills learned in this MOS compares to a few different civilian career fields.

The skills/experience in accounting and inventory management can be combined with additional training to become a civilian accountant or bookkeeper.

Soldiers can also find civilian careers as Logicians, Procurement Specialist or Shipping and Receiving Clerks.

The experience with ammunition and ordnance allows for a civilian career as an Explosives Worker or Ordnance Handling Expert.


Army Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist (MOS 89A) works with the SAAS software to perform stock control and accounting procedures.

These specialist perform stock control and account for ammunition, explosives and associated explosive components.

Soldiers in this MOS must attend Basic Combat Training for 10 weeks and Advanced Individual Training (AIT) for 8 weeks.

Previous Ammunition Specialist recommend the position to others.

Working in this MOS allows for civilian career opportunities surrounding accounting, logistics or ordnance control.

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Army MOS 89A Career Details


Rob V.
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