Army Medical Logistics Specialist (MOS 68J)

Army Medical Logistics Specialist (MOS 68J): Career Details

Army Medical Logistics Specialist (MOS 68J) are responsible for Army medical supplies.

Their job involves receiving, storing and issuing medical supplies.

This Army MOS requires individuals to be able to keep accurate records and is best for those who have an interest in mathematics, bookkeeping and accounting.

Qualifications and Training

To enter into this MOS, recruits must receive a minimum score of 90 on the Clerical (CL) portion of the ASVAB test.

After all entry testing is complete, recruits will attend Basic Combat Training for 10 weeks.

Upon completion of Basic Training, soldiers will attend Advanced Individual Training for 6 weeks.

This training is a combination of classroom and field work.

It provides individuals with an opportunity to practice handling and storing stock.

Skills that are helpful in this MOS include:

  • Ability to perform physical work
  • Interest in working with forklifts or warehouse equipment
  • Interest in business administration and typing

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What Does a Medical Logistics Specialist Do?

Medical Logistics Specialist (MOS 68J)
Army personnel securing medical equipment. Medical Logistics Specialist will secure equipment for transport similar to the tanks in this photo. Image: wikimedia

Army Medical Logistics Specialist control all aspects of ordering, receiving and storing medical supplies and equipment.

The medical supplies that they order go directly to Army medical facilities for use by doctors and other medical staff in the treatment of patients or soldiers in the field.

Individuals in this MOS must be familiar with the proper handling of medication and food supplies.

They must follow all procedures for stock control, accounting, shipping, receiving and storing.

Any items that are needed in a medical facility will be ordered by Medical Logistics Specialist.

Items range from basic medical dressing to X-Ray machines.

Specialist will work in regional medical centers, medical logistics companies or combat support hospitals.

Soldiers in this MOS will order Class 8 medical supplies that will be used in Health Care Specialist and Combat Life-Saver Bags.

When preparing an order, specialist will package each product.

They will then ensure the quality of each shipment through quality control and inspect the entire package.

The specialist will remove the product from warehouse inventory.

They are required to ensure the contents match the manifest and that all medical supplies/equipment are properly stored for transport.

When offloading a shipment, specialist will use tools such as forklifts and hand carts to safely offload equipment.

They ensure the supplies or equipment are stored in the correct location and that all orders are stored according to procedure and safety regulations.

Any tools or equipment used will be serviced and maintained by the specialist.

At times the specialist will complete purchase order request for products.

The Medical Logistics Specialist are responsible for keeping track of inventory levels of products and accounting of all medical supplies and equipment.

The specialist will perform any salvage or destruction stock control needed.

They also perform property management.

It is their job to ensure that the places that need the supplies, get the right order as quickly as possible.

Whenever hospitals or other medical facilities need specialized equipment, the specialist will submit the request for the order and ensure that it is delivered to the facility.

Medical Logistics Specialist will use automated computer systems to complete ordering, tracking, shipping and inventory.

The Army recruiting video below provides more information on Medical Logistics Specialist job functions.

What Does a Medical Logistics Specialist get Paid?

A Medical Logistics Specialist gets paid based on rank and time of service.

This is an entry-level position and those who are entering the Army with no prior Military experience can generally expect to make around $20,000 a year.

This amount varies the first few months of training and does not include Army benefits.

The pay table below can be followed to get an idea on Army pay.

InsigniaPay GradeRankAbbreviationMinimum Monthly Pay
E-1 +4 monthsPrivatePVT$1,917.60
E-2Private Second ClassPV2$2,149.20
army e 3 insignia - pfcE-3Private First ClassPFC$2,259.90
army e 4 insignia - specialistE-4SpecialistSPC$2,503.50
army e 4 insignia - corporalE-4CorporalCPL$2,503.50
e-6E-6Staff SergeantSSG$2,980.50
E-7Sergeant First Class SFC$3,445.80
army master sergeant iconE-8Master SergeantMSG$4,957.20
E-8First Sergeant 1SG$4,957.20
E-9Sergeant MajorSGM$6,055.50
E-9Command Sergeant MajorCSM$6,055.50
e 9 sergeant major of the army insigniaE-9Sergeant Major of the ArmySMA$6,055.50


The pay explained above may not seem like a high amount, but that amount does not factor in all of the Army benefits, allowances and special pay opportunities.

One of the largest benefits of being in the Army is that they pay for your housing and food while living on base.

The Army also provides an Annual Military Clothing Allowance that provides soldiers with new Military Clothing or civilian clothing, if the job requires it.

Tuition assistant programs and scholarship opportunities are available that allow most soldiers to attend college for free or for very little out of pocket.

Other Army benefits include:

  • Special Pay opportunities (example: deployment)
  • Free/Low-cost medical and dental
  • Low-cost life insurance
  • Paid sick time
  • 30 days paid vacation a year

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Job Reviews

Reviews on this position are positive.

Most available reviews rate the position 4 or 5 stars.

Positive reviews discuss being able to help customers, the team atmosphere and the ability to take advantage of Army benefits.

Negative reviews discuss long working hours at times and the time the position can take away from family.

The review below provides both positive and negative aspects of the position.

It also explains that every warehouse is different and your experience may vary based on location.

Image: Indeed

The review from a specialist below gives insight into a typical day.

Army MOS 68J
Image: Indeed

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Civilian Career Opportunities

Working in this MOS provides skills in logistics that can be used in a variety of fields from medicine to goods.

Individuals can use their skills to work in warehouses or stock rooms for inventory control and loading/offloading product.

They can also find positions as Logistics Coordinators, Logistics Manager or Distribution Manager in a variety of different fields.

Pay for these positions vary widely based on the job title and location.

The Army provides certification training that can be GI Bill funded and assists with both promotions in the Army and civilian career opportunities outside of the Army.

One of those certification examples is the Certified in Production and Inventory Management credential from the American Production and Inventory Control Society.


Medical Logistics Specialist
Army Medical Logistics Specialist at a medical treatment facility in Afghanistan. Image:

Army Medical Logistics Specialist (MOS 68J) are responsible for the ordering, storage and distribution of medical supplies and equipment.

This position requires soldiers to be knowledgeable on proper procedure and to work efficiently to ensure medical facilities have the supplies they need to provide care.

To enter into this MOS, soldiers must take the ASVAB test, attend Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training.

Soldiers who have been in this MOS like the work that they perform and enjoy helping customers.

Working in this MOS can lead to a career in Logistics in a variety of goods and service fields.

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Army MOS 68J Career Details


Zach B.

Originally posted on October 23, 2019 @ 12:05 am

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