Army Water Treatment Specialist - MOS 92W

Army Water Treatment Specialist (MOS 92W)

Army Water Treatment Specialists (MOS 92W) have an important duty in keeping the drinking water safe for soldiers.

The responsibility extends to helping the people located around where the Army is deployed receive safe water and teach about proper treatment.

Waterborne illnesses continue to be a significant problem in many parts of the developing world.

If you want a military career where you can make a gigantic difference in the lives of others than you should consider MOS 92W.

Education, Qualifications, and Training

water treatment specialist
Army Water Treatment Specialists (MOS 92W) help provide soldiers with safe and clean water. Image: Flickr

Like all Army MOS’s, Water Treatment Specialists (MOS 92W) have an incredibly important responsibility.

The correct treatment of water requires a fair amount of education and training in order to master the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) of Army 92W Water Treatment Specialist.

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The Army requires all new recruits, regardless of MOS, to complete high school with a diploma.

The other option is to achieve a GED through an alternative learning program.

In high school you may want to focus on classes in the general sciences such as biology and geology.

Knowledge of algebra and chemistry is an added bonus.

All new recruits must also complete the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).

The series of tests are used by the military to help you find the MOS that is best for your skills.

In order to become an Army Water Treatment Specialist you will need to score General Maintenance (GM): 88 or higher.


After completing the ASVAB you will want to make sure you meet all the other pre-requisites of 92W MOS. 

Army Water Treatment Specialists must also demonstrate normal color vision.

Colorblindness could disqualify you from MOS 92W.

The Army also mentions that it serves you well to have a high attention to detail in order to succeed performing the job duties of an Army Water Specialist.

Service members are traditionally very interested in protecting the environment and helping others.


Even though an Army Water Treatment Specialist (MOS 92W) is not a combat role, all new recruits go through boot camp.

Basic Combat Training prepares you for live in the military and makes sure that you are physically fit.

Boot camp lasts 10 weeks and those that survive progress to focus on their MOS through Army Advanced Individual Training (AIT).

Advanced Individual Training for an Army Water Treatment Specialist lasts 14 weeks.

The training is a combination of classroom studies and field learning experiences.

Training for 92W MOS takes place at Fort Lee in Virginia.

The Army will teach you how to identify health hazards in the water at wastewater and waste disposal facilities.

You will also learn about the different techniques and products for purifying water.

Lastly, there is a focus on inspecting food products and food service operations.

What does an Army Water Treatment Specialist Do?

army 92w mos
Army Water Treatment Specialists (MOS 92W) assist with bringing safer water to many parts of the world suffering from poor water quality. Image: Northern Command

An Army Water Treatment Specialist (MOS 92W) is primarily responsible for performing or supervising the installation and operation of water purification equipment.

Water Treatment Specialists also handle water storage and distribution operations during deployment.

There is a focus on food where 92W MOS Specialists will inspect facilities and food supplies for the revelation of germs, diseases, or other hazardous conditions.

An Army Water Treatment Specialist is ultimately focused on health and the environment.

Waterborne Illnesses

Did you know that waterborne illnesses are still among the most deadly diseases in the developing world.

Preventing or stopping these widespread illnesses is at the heart of an Army Water Treatment Specialist working overseas.

However, it is not just limited to third world countries as Water Treatment Specialists may also serve a role in the U.S. after a natural disaster.

Floods and hurricanes are renowned for causing issues with a clean water supply.

92W MOS Job Duties

Army Water Treatment Specialists have an extremely important responsibility of keeping the drinking water free and clear of contaminants.

A waterborne illness related outbreak could potentially put down another unit of troops.

According to the Army, the official list of MOS 92W job duties include:

  • Perform water quality analysis testing and verification.
  • Operate and maintain water treatment equipment.
  • Assist in water reconnaissance and site preparation.
  • Assist in setup of water treatment activity.

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What does an Army Water Treatment Specialist make?

army water purification specialist
Water Treatment Specialists make a decent living, gain invaluable skills for civilian employment, and serve the world in a positive way. They assist in natural disaster areas and other places needing better water treatment solutions. Image: DoDLive

The Army does not pay you based on your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).

Pay is determined by your Army rank and years of service.

There are other factors that could improve pay, for example if you already have some education in water treatment before joining the Army.

There are also ways to receive tuition and stipends to continue your education while serving in the military.

InsigniaPay GradeRankAbbreviationMinimum Monthly Pay
E-1 +4 monthsPrivatePVT$1,917.60
E-2Private Second ClassPV2$2,149.20
army e 3 insignia - pfcE-3Private First ClassPFC$2,259.90
army e 4 insignia - specialistE-4SpecialistSPC$2,503.50
army e 4 insignia - corporalE-4CorporalCPL$2,503.50
e-6E-6Staff SergeantSSG$2,980.50
E-7Sergeant First Class SFC$3,445.80
army master sergeant iconE-8Master SergeantMSG$4,957.20
E-8First Sergeant 1SG$4,957.20
E-9Sergeant MajorSGM$6,055.50
E-9Command Sergeant MajorCSM$6,055.50
e 9 sergeant major of the army insigniaE-9Sergeant Major of the ArmySMA$6,055.50


The benefits included with a monthly salary are excellent:

  • Medical Insurance
  • Retirement
  • Vacation Time
  • Special Pay
  • Education: Army members can earn full-tuition, merit-based scholarships, allowances for books and fees, plus annual stipend for living expenses.
  • Housing: Allowances for living expenses, utilities, and maintenance.
  • Food: Allowance for the on-base dining hall and access to tax-free department and grocery stores.

Job Reviews

There are a number of positive job reviews on for an Army Water Treatment Specialist (MOS 92W).

Another posted mentioned something that is not rarely brought up with former military.

Joining the Army can increase your network of contacts.

You never know after you leave the military where a contact would lead you to another job, or other type of exciting possibility like housing.

It is also worth pointing out that while you will learn a ton working MOS 92W, a lot of people join the military for other reasons.

The Army teaches self-discipline, accountability, hard work, and other assets that are invaluable.

Civilian Job Opportunities

Army Water Treatment Specialists (MOS 92W) will have no trouble finding a job in the civilian world.

Local, state, and federal government agencies are all in need of qualified and experienced Water Treatment Specialists.

You can also consider a career as a public health inspector, food or drug inspector, health and safety inspector, or industrial hygienist.

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Army Water Treatment Specialists (MOW 92W) have the responsibility of keeping the drinking water free and clear of contaminants.

Water Treatment Specialists travel around the country with troops, especially in developing parts of the world, to ensure water and food safety.

They also assist in natural disaster areas where occurrences like flooding and hurricanes may have compromised the clean water.


Zach B.

Originally posted on October 28, 2019 @ 10:04 pm

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2 Replies to “Army Water Treatment Specialist (MOS 92W)

  1. I entered military service in Feb. 1977 as a 11Bravo but after 3 years of humping in the bush as a straight leg grunt with the Charlie Company Bobcats 1/5 INF.
    I reenlisted for 3 years for the MOS 51N Water Treatment Pluming and System Specialist and it served me very well for the rest of my life, upon ETS in OCT. 1982 I found work in Water, Sewage, Hazardous Waste Treatment and made a good amount of money until I retired with a pension in 2011.
    Working with the old D.E. type system was not as efficient as the ROPE system that is used today and the mobility of todays units are great but I was happy that I learned a trade to support myself in life.

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