M1A1 Tank Crewman MOS 1812

Marine M1A1 Tank Crewman (MOS 1812): Career Details

Marine M1A1 Tank Crewman (MOS 1812) operate and maintain the M1A1 Abrams Tank.

Marines in this MOS are required to be knowledgeable on operating the vehicle, including driving and firing weapons, as well as how to perform routine maintenance.

M1A1 Tank Crewman is part of Occupational Field 18-Tank and Assault Amphibious Vehicle

Qualifications and Training

Having skills related to basic mechanics and being able to work with others in a confined area will be helpful in this MOS.

The Marine Corps requires individuals to be 17-28 years old, a legal resident and possess a High School Diploma to enter into an enlisted position.

This specific MOS requires individuals to receive a minimum score of 90 on the General Technical (GT) portion of the ASVAB test, have normal color vision, and vision correctable to 20/20.

Recruits will be required to pass fitness testing including passing the Physical Fitness Test and Combat Fitness Test.

After passing entry and fitness testing, recruits will attend training at either Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island or Marine Corps Depot San Diego, where they will be tested physically and mentally.

Job training as an M1A1 Tank Crewman is completed through the M1A1 Armor Crewman Course, Ft Knox, KY.

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What Does a M1A1 Tank Crewman Do?

MOS 1812 M1A1 Tank Crewman
M1A1 Tank Crewman in a Close Combat Tactical Trainer tank simulator during training. Image: army.mil

M1A1 Abrams Tank Crew MOS is part of the Marine Ground Combat MOSs.

The Ground Combat teams seize and occupy terrain to win battles with hand-to-hand combat within specialties.

Marine Corps M1A1 Tank Crewman operate, maneuver and complete maintenance on the M1A1 tank.

The M1A1 Abrams Tank is the main battle tank used by both the Marines and the Army.

The Tank has a Smooth Bore Cannon and multiple Machine guns.

It is capable of maximum speeds of over 42 mph, generally operates with a 4 person crew and operates in any weather condition.

This tank provides close range firepower to destroy enemy vehicles, while providing protection to the crew.

The Marine Corps has recently been working on budgeting for improvements on the M1A1.

The M1A1 Tank Crewman will perform tactical employment, firing and maneuvering of the tank.

It is their responsibility to prepare the M1A1, personnel and any equipment for movement and for combat.

The Crewman will prepare the ammunition for firing.

They will locate targets and load, aim and fire organic weapons.

The Crewman uses the tank’s fire control system to accurately fire weapons.

Driving the tank is also one of the Crewman’s responsibilities.

A large portion of an average day will be spent performing operator level preventative maintenance.

When there is an issue with the tank, the Crewman performs corrective maintenance.

They can be tasked with ordering various parts and components.

The Crewman will document any maintenance activities that they perform.

As Crewman advance in rank they will take addition skill enhancement courses, such as Master Gunner Course, that will provide more job duties.

The video below provides more information on Tank Crew job duties.

What Does a M1A1 Tank Crewman Get Paid?

The M1A1 Tank Crewman will be paid based on rank.

For individuals who join into this position with no prior Military experience, you can expect to earn around $1800 a month.

This amount is base pay, does not include benefits and will increase as training/rank is increased.

The table below provides Marine Corps rank and pay.

InsigniaPay GradeRankAbbreviation2023 Minimum Monthly Pay
E-1 +4 monthsPrivatePvt$1,917.60
E-2Private First ClassPFC$2,149.20
E-3Lance CorporalLCpl$2,259.90
E-6Staff SergeantSSgt$2,980.50
E-7Gunnery SergeantGySgt$3,3445.80
E-8Master SergeantMSgt$4,957.20
E-8First Sergeant1stSgt$4,957.20
E-9Master Gunnery SergeantMGySgt$6,055.50
E-9Sergeant MajorSgtMaj$6,055.50
E-9Sergeant Major Of The Marine CorpsSgtMaj$6,055.50


The Marine Corps provides benefits that add to the base pay amount.

They provide housing to all men and women.

Tuition assistance programs are also available.

Other benefits include insurance, vacation and retirement.

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Job Reviews

Reviews of this position are positive with most ratings at 4 or 5 stars.

Individuals in this position like the work that they do.

Reviews discuss the camaraderie of being in the Marines and the relationships you build while working in small working environments with other individuals.

Positive aspects of the position include benefits, being a leader and work ethic.

Negative reviews discussed deployments and having poor leadership at times.

The review below shows typical hours and attributes learned in the position.

Marine Corps M1A1 Tank Crewman
Image: Indeed

The review below provides positive and negative aspects of the position as well as daily responsibilities.

MOS 1812
Image: Indeed

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Civilian Career Opportunities

Marines who work in this MOS gain skills related to ammunition handling, heavy equipment repair and transportation.

Civilian career opportunities as Explosives Workers or Ordnance Handling Experts are available that relate to the experience working with and loading ammunition.

Civilian careers as Bus and Truck Mechanics, Diesel Engine Specialist or Heavy Equipment Mechanic relate to maintenance activities performed in this position.

Skills learned in transportation duties relate to civilian careers as Transportation Managers.

The Marines also provides apprenticeship opportunities through USMAP that increases civilian career opportunities.


Marine Corps M1A1 Tank Crewman MOS 1812
Marine Corps M1A1 Tank Crewman guiding a vehicle. Image: wikimedia

Marine M1A1 Tank Crewman (MOS 1812) operate, maneuver and maintain the M1A1 Abrams Tank.

The individuals in this MOS play the maintenance, transportation and ordnance role.

To enter into this MOS, recruits must take the ASVAB, pass physical testing, recruit training and the M1A1 Tank Crewman course.

Individuals in this MOS will be paid based on rank and will be offered benefits.

Marines who have left reviews of this position recommend the position and state that they have learned valuable skills.

Working in this MOS provides skills that can be used as a mechanic, driver or ordnance handling expert as a civilian.

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M1A1 Tank Specifications

Marine Combat Roles

Marine Corps COOL MOS 1812

USMC Courses-1812

Jeff E.

Originally posted on November 14, 2019 @ 3:20 am

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