Are you planning to enlist in the United States Marine Corp?
Do you want to be a part of the world’s greatest amphibious assault team?
If you answered “yes” to both questions, then you may want to take a look at the schedule of everything that will be going on while you attend the Marine Basic Training or Boot Camp.
This program is 13 weeks in length, and it is one of the most physically and mentally demanding basic training programs in the United States military.
The Marines are one of the first lines of defense when America’s freedom is at stake.
If you are in the DEP or a parent of a Marine enlistee, you can also read through this schedule so you know what will be going on during boot camp on the hallowed grounds of Parris Island, South Carolina, or San Diego, California.
Marine basic training brings in many confused volunteers and sends them out as Marines who are sworn to defend the United States at all costs.
Before we get into the week-by-week schedule, let’s explain the phases of Marine Boot Camp:
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What are the phases of Marine Corp Boot Camp?

There are four phases of Marine Corp Basic Training. Oddly enough, their names are just numbers (i.e. Phase 1, Phase 2, etc.).
Let’s take a brief synopsis of what will happen during these phases:
Phase One
This is where the new enlistees arrive. They will go through a whirlwind of in-processing and testing to ensure that they are prepared for the weeks of training ahead.
They will meet the team of drill instructors who will stay with them throughout basic training.
Phase 1 encompassing Receiving Week to Week 3. During this phase, they’ll learn about hand-to-hand combat and spend a lot of time in the classroom learning about the history of the military, customs, courtesies, and more.
Phase 1 also includes weapons safety and close order drill.
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Phase Two
Phase 2 of Basic Training is dedicated to team training and working together.
This phase runs from Week 4 through Week 6. It includes combat water survival, which will be one of the most physically challenging parts of Marine Boot Camp.
Physical conditioning and combat preparedness are also on the agenda.
Phase Three

Weeks 7 through 9 make up Phase 3. This phase is dedicated to marksmanship, and it’s when Marines will learn how to familiarize themselves with their rifles and be able to hone their shooting skills through various targets.
At this point of Boot Camp, you will be putting everything you’ve learned so far to the test. The final challenge is where the real fun begins.
During this phase, you’ll go through Basic Warrior Training and the legendary field event known as The Crucible.
This is where you will earn your Eagle, Globe, and Anchors.
Phase Four
This phase is the final three weeks of Basic Training. They include the true test of everything you’ve learned in Basic Training.
You’ll finally get your Dress Blues, and go through some final administrative tasks, followed by a graduation ceremony.
After graduation, and depending on their chosen MOS, they will move on to either the Marine School of Infantry (SOI), or the Marine Infantry Training Battalion (ITB).
Marine Boot Camp Schedule
The exact schedule for Marine Corps boot camp varies slightly depending on whether you are assigned to Parris Island or San Diego.
The schedule for Depot San Diego is as follows:
Receiving Week
The first week of boot camp is “Receiving Week.” This includes travel to San Deigo, your initial strength tests, and briefings on procedures.
On Sunday, you’ll get a chance to attend religious services and get a bit of a break from the chaos.
Week 1
Boot Camp officially begins at the start of Week 1. Most of the time, it will be physical training evaluations and classroom time.
In the classroom, you’ll learn everything from the history of the military, how to exchange courtesies, basic leadership skills, the Core values, customs, first aid, and more.
You will also begin your first segment of training with the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP).
You will learn basic hand-to-hand combat skills that will be useful in close-quarter battles with those who are a direct threat to you.
You’ll also get training in combat care and an introduction to the Marines’ Combat Fitness Test.
Week 2
This week will feature a continuation of classroom time, physical training, and more MCMAP.
At this point, you will also undergo medical and dental evaluations. You will also be taking part in your first hike, which is a 2.5 strength and endurance run.
This week also brings lessons in bayonet techniques and pugil sticks, as well as your first run with the obstacle course.
Week 3
At the beginning of the week, you’ll be going through the confidence course and practicing close-order drill.
You’ll also perform your first formal drill and line up for inspection by one of the senior drill instructors.
Additional physical conditioning goes without saying.
Week 4
Think last week was intense? You ain’t seen nothing yet. Welcome to Swim Week.
You’ll be spending a lot of quality time in the water during this portion of Basic Training.
If you know how to swim, you’ll be learning how to maneuver in shallow and deep waters.
Water survival is key when you are part of the world’s greatest amphibious assault team.
However, what if you can’t swim or fail the swim test?
You’ll be known as an “Iron Duck.”
If you don’t know how to swim, you should consider taking lessons before considering the idea of enlisting in the Marines.
Outside of the water, you’ll also be doing the usual classroom stuff and physical training.
Also, this will mark the final week of MCMAPs where you will undergo a test of everything you’ve learned during the training.
At the end of the week, you’ll also undergo a written exam of everything you’ve learned up to this point in your academic training.
Week 5
Welcome to Team Week. If you really want to see what makes the Marines one of the most dangerous fighting forces in the world, you’ll learn about why that is during this part of the training.
As a team, you will work together through various exercises.
You’ll also be going through the log drills. You will all learn to work together as a team so every member is mentally prepared for combat.
During this week, you will be issued new uniforms and equipment.
Picture day will fall on this week, and you will have photos taken so your family can proudly display them at home and take pride in knowing a Marine is a part of their lives.
At the end of the week, you’ll also undergo a written exam of everything you’ve learned up to this point in your training.
The end of the week offers a 5K hike.
Week 6
Week 6 brings advanced pugils stick and the bayonet assault course.
Midweek is a written exam, followed by your MCMAP test and your Series Commander Inspection.
You’ll also receive the uniforms you had fitted the week prior.
Week 7
Grass Week marks the beginning of two solid weeks of marksmanship training.
You’ll learn about sighting in your rifle, firing positions, and sitting in the grass while using your rifle to your advantage.
Because the last thing an enemy wants to see waiting in the tall grass is a U.S. Marine with their finger on the trigger.
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Week 8
Firing Week. Pretty self-explanatory. You’ll be firing at targets and testing your marksmanship skills.
You will fire your gun in various positions including sitting, standing, kneeling, and prone positions.
Week 9
Week 9 includes training in the field as a rifleman. This means includes additional firearms training and qualification events.
It’s all about staying sharp and staying one step ahead of the enemy.
With training such as IED awareness as part of the mix, you really want to pay close attention during this part of BWT.
It can mean the difference between life and death for yourself and your fellow Marines.
You’ll also take the CFT again at the end of the week, as well as complete another written exam.
Week 10
This is where things will get dialed up to a higher level both mentally and physically.
The week starts out with the “Confidence Chamber,” more frequently called the “gas chamber.”
This is followed the next day by a 6K night hike, kicking off the infamous Marine “Crucible.”
This is the 54-hour physically and mentally demanding test known as “The Crucible”.
By the time you have finished it, you’ll already have marched as much as 40 miles.
But that’s not all. You will be tested on everything you’ve learned in the field.
This is where the trainees build confidence in themselves and each other.
The true making of a Marine happens during boot camp.
But it’s The Crucible that will be the final confirmation for anyone who has what it takes to become a Marine.
Week 11
Week 11 is the 2nd fitting for your Dress Blues.
There is more physical conditioning, including the tower rappel.
Classroom briefings cover everything from financial responsibility to handling incidents of sexual assault and everything in between.
The week concludes with a company commander inspection.
Week 12
Week 12 is graduation week.
Non-combat MOS Marines are briefed on the 29-day Marine Combat Training course that follows.
You’ll also turn in your gear, including your weapons. Practicing for the upcoming graduation ceremonies is also on the schedule.
You’ll also enjoy base liberty and spend time with family who have traveled to see you graduate from Basic Training.
Don’t be surprised when your family sees something different about you.
You are a Marine who is disciplined, taking pride in service to your country, and ready to defend freedom when duty calls.
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Now that you know what to expect in Marine Basic Training, you will come in with full knowledge of what will lie ahead in your future as you go from Trainee to a member of the United States Marine Corps.
Nothing is easy during your transformation from civilian to a Marine.
Long after you have been honorably discharged from the Corps, as the old saying goes, “Once a Marine, always a Marine.”
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