
USMC PFT/CFT Calculator

Rather than provide you with complicated tables to calculate your score, OMK has developed a USMC PFT/CFT Calculator.

This calculator will quickly and accurately show you your score, check it out below.


USMC PFT/CFT Calculator

What Is The Marine Corps PFT and CFT?

The Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test, or PFT, is a test used by the Marines to evaluate overall physical fitness.

The test, which is conducted semi-annually, involves 3 events that include pull ups or push ups, crunches or a plank, and a 3 mile run.

Your score for this test is based on how many reps you complete, how fast your run time is, and your age.

The Marine Corps Combat Fitness Test, or CFT, is a test used to make sure their Marines are physically ready for combat.

Every six months, Marines engage in the Marine Combat Fitness Test on base, and it’s a scored test.

See our full articles on both the PFT and CFT below:

Marine Corps PFT Standards

Marine Corps CFT Standards


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CFT and PFT Calculator

CFT and PFT Calculator

4.9 out of 5 (61 Ratings)

Check out our USMC PFT/CFT Calculator, and learn more about your PFT and CFT scores. Includes calculations for both males and females, and also the new plank standards.

Originally posted on September 25, 2020 @ 6:00 pm

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