There are Navy bonuses for new recruits and for those reenlisting.
The amount of incentives depends on many factors.
For instance, some areas have a shortage of personnel.
Also, it could be a specific job area is being expanded to best suit the needs of the Navy, and there are more available positions.
Recruits may qualify for more than one bonus up to a total of $40,000; this amount is capped by law.
Related Article – Marine Corps Bonus List
Table of Contents
1. Enlistment / Signing Navy Bonuses

Some jobs are in high demand for qualified personnel.
Therefore, an enlistment bonus is an incentive for those who qualify to enlist in the Navy and to perform specific jobs.
Also, the enlistment bonus design is to attract highly qualified individuals to ensure the Navy fleet is ready.
Typically, enlistment bonuses are payable upon successful completion of training and school.
However, your recruiter will give you the detailed information in the event details change.
Future Sailors with initial classifications or reclassifications are eligible for the Enlistment Bonus for Source Rate (EBSR)
Job | Bonus |
Air Rescue Swimmer (AIRR) | $36,000 |
Cryptologic Technician Interpretive (CTI) | $25,000 |
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) | $36,000 |
Hospital Corpsman (HM) | $25,000 |
Information Systems Technician (IT) | $10,000 |
Information Systems Technician Submarines (ITS) | $15,000 |
Machinist's Mate Submarines (MM) | $10,000 |
Missile Technician (MT) | $15,000 |
Navy Diver (ND) | $36,000 |
Nuclear Field (NF) | $38,000 |
Special Warfare Boat Operator (SWCC) | $36,000 |
Sub Electronics Computer Field (SECF) | $10,000 |
Sonar Technician Surface (STS) | $15,000 |
Special Warfare Operator (SO) | $36,000 |
2. High School Graduate Bonus
High school graduates are eligible for a $3,000 bonus.
Also, this bonus is currently for those who joined between July and September of 2020 and who will graduate in 2021 with their high school diploma and ship before October 2021.
3. Education Bonus for College Credit (EBCC)
Recruits enlisting with college credit from an accredited institute of higher education qualify for a bonus, as well.
This bonus plays out when recruits graduate from boot camp.
Furthermore, for recruits with an associate degree, the bonus is $5,000.
Anyone with a bachelor’s degree or higher is eligible for a bonus of $8,000.
If you have one year of vocational training, you will receive a bonus of $3,000,
However, this amount raises to $5,000 for two years of vocational training.
Furthermore, recruits with at least 12 semester hours of college but less than 24 are eligible for $2,000 bonus while 24 to 47 semester hours qualifies recruits for $3,000.
Also, 48 semester hours up to 71 nets a bonus of $4,000, 72 to 95 hours amounts to $6,000, and, finally, more than 96 semester hours earns a bonus of $7,000.
4. Shipping Bonuses
For recruits that head to boot camp between March and May in 2021, there is a $5,000 bonus for the following:
- Air Rescue Swimmer
- Culinary Specialist – Submarine
- Cryptologic Technician Interpretive
- Explosive Ordnance
- Hospital Corpsman
- Information Systems Technician
- Information Systems Technician Submarines
- Machinist’s Mate Submarines
- Missile Technician
- Navy Diver
- Special Warfare Boat Operator
- Sub Electronics Computer Field
- Sonar Technician Surface
- Special Warfare Operator
Related Article – Navy Jobs List: A List Of All 71 Ratings In The US Navy For 2019
5. Student loan Repayment Program Bonus
The Navy can help you with your student loans, as well.
Also, if you have loans up to $65,000, including Stafford, Perkins, or PLUS, talk to your recruiter about this program.
However, the student loan repayment plan is for those who sign up for specific jobs.
- Advanced Electronics Computer Field (AECF-AEF)
- Air Rescue Swimmer (AIRR-ATF)
- Cryptologic Technician Collection (CTR-SG)
- Avionics Aviation (AV-5YO)
- Cryptologic Technician Interpretive (CTI-ATF)
- Cryptologic Technician Networks (CTN-ATF)
- Explosive Ordnance (EOD-ATF)
- Cryptologic Technician Technical (CTT-AEF)
- Information Systems Technician (IT-ATF)
- Information Systems Technician (IT-SG)
- Cryptologic Technician Technical (CTT-SG)
- Information Systems Technician (ITS-ATF)
- Intelligence Specialist (IS-ATF)
- Machinist’s Mate Submarines (MMS-5YO)
- Missile Technician (MT-AEF)
- Navy Musician (MU-SG)
- Navy Diver (ND-ATF)
- Nuclear Field (NF/NUC) aka Nuke
- Sonar Technician Surface (STG-AEF)
- Sonar Technician Surface (STG-5YO)
- Special Warfare Boat Operator (SB-ATF)
- Special Warfare Operator (SO-ATF) aka Navy SEAL
- Sub Electronics Computer Field (SECF-5YO)
Also, those who become Navy Musicians can ship out anytime during the year and still qualify for the student loan repayment bonus.
Related Article – Joining The Navy After College: How To Do It The ‘Right’ Way
6. Physical Screening Test Bonus
Recruits who are a part of the Warrior Challenge program and who score high enough on the Physical Screening Test (PST) are eligible for a $2,000 bonus.
A recruit must pass on their first try.
The Warrior Challenge is a mentor program for unique positions in the Navy, including Naval Special Warfare and Naval Special Operations.
To qualify, members must remain in the Warrior Challenge and graduate from the Recruit Training Center (RTC).
7. Physical Fitness Assessment Bonus
Recruits who pass their first Physical Fitness Assessment on the first try are also eligible for a $2,000 bonus.
Also, the score of this assessment should be satisfactory medium or higher to qualify.
Lastly, the payment of this bonus happens when graduating from boot camp.
Related Article: Navy Height And Weight Standards
8. Retention Bonus
There are also retention bonuses and incentives for members of the military who work in a critical area.
However, service members must add an additional year of active duty status.
Although to be deemed a critical area, the Secretary of Defense needs to dedicate the job as such.
9. Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) Program
The Navy revised its policy, allowing more sailors to reenlist as early as a year before their service date is set to end.
Currently, there are over one hundred different sets of skills included in the list of those who qualify for the bonus.
The award limits are capped at $100,000, and there is a maximum allowed of $30,000 a year for every additional year of service.
For fiscal year 2021, there are 5 maximum levels:
- Level 1: $30,000
- Level 2: $45,000
- Level 3: $60,000
- Level 4: $75,000
- Level 5: $100,000

10. Language Proficiency Bonus
For recruits who scored a minimum of 2.2 on the Defense Language Proficiency test before graduating basic training, there is a bonus.
This test measures a person’s ability to speak another language in real-world applications.
This bonus is for $12,000.
Also, there is a requirement of a five-year enlistment contract to qualify.
Lastly, there are specific jobs related to the language proficiency bonus to qualify.
- Hospital Corpsman (HM)
- Utilities Man (UT)
- Steel Worker (SW)
- Equipment Operator (EO)
- Engineer Aide (EA)
- Construction Mechanic (CM)
- Construction Electrician (CE)
- Builder (BU)
Repayment of Bonuses
Most bonuses are linked to terms of enlistment.
Therefore, if a recruit does not fulfill their obligation, the bonus will need to be paid back.
However, the bonus repayment is prorated for time served.
The Navy offers bonuses to fill either rapidly growing fields or areas where there is a shortage of qualified personnel.
There are a variety of other bonuses available, including bonuses for physical fitness, being proficient in a second language, and having college credit.
Also, when a recruit accepts these bonuses, they are often committing to longer contract times, usually by adding a year to a traditional contract.
There is a legal cap for bonuses set at $40,000.
Each bonus pays out after meeting a specific set of requirements.
Furthermore, many bonuses payout after completing boot camp, while others pay upon graduating from the training that prepares recruits for their particular jobs.
Lastly, the bonuses linked to specific jobs often change your recruiter will have the most up to date information regarding available bonuses and can match you with a combination of bonuses best suited for your goals.
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